Pupil Voice Groups

Pupil Voice Groups
We have many Pupil Voice groups at Thornhill Lees, including School Council, Munch Bunch, Collective Worship Group and The Kindness Crew.
In our Pupil Voice groups we ask the children to contribute their ideas and views. This gives the children a strong voice and involves them in decision making, in school.

School Council
Our School Council is made up of 2 representatives from each Year 1 and Year 2 class.
The school council play a crucial role in the development of our school. They are an extremely dedicated, responsible team of children who are keen to represent the voices of all children in school. Our School Council meet regularly with a member of the SLT team to discuss key issues for the school.

Munch Bunch
Our Munch Bunch members meet regularly with Mrs Douglas to talk about lunchtimes. The children discuss things such as the school meals and how to keep the lunch hall clean and tidy. The Munch Bunch members consist of one from each of the Year 1 and Year 2 classes.

Collective Worship
Our Collective Worship group is made up of a child from each of our Year 1 and Year 2 classes. 
The children meet on a half termly basis, to talk about collective worship in school (e.g. whole school assemblies, class assemblies, year group collective worship etc) 
The children have also led a Collective Worship assembly with Mrs Douglas to all of the children in Year 1 and 2.

The Kindness Crew
The Kindness Crew have a representative from each class. The children meet with our SEND lead on a half termly basis, to talk about mental health and well being and how we can show our core values of kindness, respect and caring throughout school.

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