Welcome to the Governor’s Page
As Chair of Governors, I am delighted to welcome you to the Governor’s section for the Federation of Savile Town CE (C) I & N and Thornhill Lees CE (VC) I & N School websites.
We have an involved and active Federated Governing Body who work very closely with Mrs Douglas and all the staff in the schools. At the heart of the Governing Body ethos is the education, development and well-being of our children and staff; that each and every person in school may achieve their full potential and the education and safety of every child matters.
School Governors are one of the largest voluntary organisations in the country. A school governor is often referred to as a ‘critical friend’ providing support and challenge to the Headteacher in managing the school. Essentially, they are responsible, in collaboration with the head teacher, for managing the effectiveness of the school.
The law requires governing bodies and for the governing body to fulfil three core functions:
- ensure the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined, including reviewing and agreeing policies written by the school;
- ensure the Headteacher performs his/her responsibilities for the education performance of the school;
- ensure the sound, correct and effective use of the school’s financial resources.
Governors are not responsible for:
– the internal organisation, management and control of the school;
– the educational performance of the school.
These are the responsibility of the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the governors offer support and advice to the Headteacher, drawing on knowledge and experience from outside the school.
Governors are appointed for a 4 year term. Each governor volunteers and undertakes their duties in accordance with the governor code of conduct.
The Governors of the federation are thrilled the schools are recognised as ‘good’ (Savile Town, November 2022) and (Thornhill Lees, September 2023) – a tremendous achievement by everyone involved. As a Governing Body, we are working alongside the SLT to build on this success and commit to a plan of improvement for the learning outcomes of all our pupils in which we aspire to become ‘outstanding’.
There are 13 governors at of the Federation:
1 LA Governor appointed by Kirklees Council;
1 staff;
4 Co-opted;
4 Parent governors;
1 Community governor;
1 Foundation Diocesan;
1 Foundation (Ex-officio).
We are always keen to hear from anyone who has questions or feedback. Governors can be contacted via the school office.
Full governing body meetings of the Federated governing body are held once every half term.
(All positions are currently filled and the website will be updated soon)
Kind regards,
Kate Allen
Chair of Governors
For our Governors General Information click here.
Debbie Douglas – Headteacher
I have been the Headteacher at Savile Town since January 2012, and became headteacher of the Federation with Thornhill Lees in October 2018, after supporting the school the previous year. I thoroughly enjoy working in both schools, being part of an extremely committed team of staff and Governors who always put children at the centre of all decisions that are made. The children are so enthusiastic in all they do and we are very well supported by the parents and community. Visitors regularly comment on the welcoming atmosphere in school and how polite and motivated the children are. We have very close links with all the local schools and embrace this in preparing the children to move onto their next stage in education. I am proud of the achievements in both schools which have been recognised by a range of external partners working with us.
Kate Allen – LA – Chair
It is a joy and privilege to serve as the Chair of Governors for the schools in our Federation, to be working alongside the dedicated and hardworking governors, the Headteacher and her staff for the good of the children and their families within our communities. I am passionate about making sure that every single child is given the best possible start on their educational journey. We are a very committed and active governing body. As a team, we strive to ensure there is a strategic vision and that the Federation moves forward in these modern times. All staff and governors work together with a common aim of providing safe and vibrant learning environments in which all children can fulfil their potential and have an enjoyable experience during their time with us.
Saima Hussain (Vice-Chair)
I am a parent governor and vice chair of the governing body.
I feel very passionate about volunteering my time towards the school and enjoy all aspects of the role.
I hope to continue as a governor for a few more years and support the head teacher and staff to the best of my ability.
Kirsty Asquith-Dolan (Deputy Head at Savile Town) (Foundation)
I am currently the Deputy Head teacher and the Year 2 teacher at Savile Town CE (C) Infant and Nursery School. I have been on the governing body for the past 8 years and was happy to continue on the governing body when we became a Federation. My governor role has recently changed from staff to foundation and I am very excited to see where this new role will take me and how I can support both schools. I am really enjoying being a part of the Federated Governing Body as I feel that we have a really strong team with a diverse set of skills. I love nothing more than to celebrate our schools’ achievements and feel that being part of the governing body not only enables me to do this but the Federation also enables the sharing of good practice. I feel that working together will ensure that the children in the community will be given the best start to their education.
Revered Ann Pollard – Interim Vice-chair
My name is Revd Ann Pollard and I am a retired Church of England priest. I served in the parishes of Batley Carr and Earlsheaton and so I am familiar with the diversity that makes Dewsbury such a unique town. I am appointed by the Archdeacon of Halifax as a Foundation Governor and my role is to be a Christian presence and to ensure a Christian ethos across our schools, alongside encouraging and supporting our distinctive multi faith context. As a Governor I am the Chair of the Finance Committee and also the Governor responsible for Safeguarding and attend Governor training in order to keep up to date with changing legislation. My aim is for every one of our children to experience kindness and appreciation during their time with us and for them to be happy, confident and aspiring life long learners who will go on to be inspirational leaders in the future.
Fiona Lee – Staff elected
I have worked at Savile Town school for many years starting as an NQT and now have the privilege of being SENDCo and Assistant Head teacher. Whatever role I have had within the school, I have always felt a part of the community and been honoured to support all the children and their families I have worked with.
I decided to become a governor so I could make further contributions to help support our children and families continuing to make a difference to their lives encouraging all who come through our doors to reach their full potential. It has always been a wonderful place to work and given me the greatest reward being able to be part of such
an amazing team with committed, supportive and hardworking people.
India Whitfield – Co-opted
I was born in the Republic of Ireland and moved to the UK in 2014. I love Art, Music, cooking and maths is my favourite subject in school. I started working at Thornhill Lees first as a volunteer, then as an Educational Teaching Assistant in Reception in March 2020. I studied level 2, level 3 and HLTA level 4 as a teaching assistant. I have qualifications certificates for piano, public speaking and speech and drama. I currently work in Year 1 and I also became a staff governor in 2022. I am looking forward to another year in Thornhill Lees Infant and Nursery School with a class of great children.
Kiran Iqbal – Parent
When the opportunity came across to become a parent governor, I was both excited and nervous. As a fellow pupil myself I was determined to send my own child here, to Savile Town Infants. During the past year of my term as governor, I have gained insight of the background of all the hard work which is required to run a school. As a parent governor, I feel I bring a different perspective within the school community, raising points and asking questions all from a parent perspective. I look forward to the following school year and the changes it shall bring.
Huzafa Bismillah – Parent
As a parent governor I hope to support the school management and advise and contribute for the benefit of all the children and communities served by the federation. My motivation to support the management of the school stems from a firm belief in education as a gateway to personal development and supports the attainment of ambitions. Helping in this endeavour is rewarding and moreover, being a student at the school some (many) years ago means the school holds special memories.
Lorraine Booth – (Deputy Head at Thornhill Lees) (Observer) Currently on Maternity Leave
Click here for the Code of Conduct document for NGA
Register of Business Interest for School Governors.
The register will be reviewed annually, but governors are reminded that they should declare any changes as and when they occur. Governors are reminded that completion of this form does not remove the requirement upon them to disclose orally any interest at any specific meeting and to leave the meeting for that agenda item.
Register of Business Interest please click here.
Governor Attendance
Please click here for the attendance register.
Governor Meeting Minutes
Please click here for the minutes of the meeting held on October 2024
Please click here for the minutes of the meeting held on May 2024
Please click here for the minutes of the meeting held on January 2024
Please click here for the minutes of the meeting held on March 2023
Please click here for the minutes of the meeting held on May 2023
Please click here for the minutes of the meeting held on June 2023
Please click here for the minutes of the meeting held on October 2023
Please click here for the minutes of the meeting held on November 2023.