Mental Health and Well-Being

Mental Health Support Team

Our Mental Health Support Team have created a series of bitesize, introductory videos around understanding and supporting children’s mental health and emotional well-being. These videos are aimed at young people and their grown ups and are best watched together to promote conversations around mental health. If support is required for a child or young person, then please speak to your Emotional Well-being Lead in school, Mrs Gratino.

This video is an introduction to Mental Health for KS1 children (age 5-7)

Other Resources

Resources to support well-being can  also be found at the following links:

  1. Carers U.K. caring & contingency planning:  
  2. Calm Jars:  
  3. Kooth, online anonymous metal health support:  
  4. Young Minds blog and other services:  
  5. Headspace, mindfulness:  
  6. Rethink, online Coronavirus Hub:  
  7. Apps:  
  8. Personalised digital self-management tools and human support:  
  9. British Psychological Society guidance on supporting care-experienced children and young people through the Coronavirus crisis and its aftermath: Covid-19 resources | BPS
  10. Understood:  
  11. Happy-self Journal:


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